
In this page I’ve collected a list of useful articles, blogs, books and talks in the hope that you might find them useful. I’ve included links to the resources, but I’m do not have any affiliations with the authors, publishers or distributors and to not earn anything from sales that might result from these lings. Again, I’ve included them just for convenience.


  • Learning Python by Mark Lutz. The most complete and well written guide to this programming language that I’ve ever found. Convers anything from the basics to the most advanced topics (e.g. metaclasses) and I still find myself coming back to it years later.

    The book stops and Python 3.3 because the author decided not to update it any further, but it’s pretty easy to get up to speed with newer version by giving a look at the What’s New section of each new Python release.

  • Programming Python still from by Mark Lutz. While Learning Python focuses on the language itself, this book deals with how to do things with Python: it covers interacting with the file system, writing GUIs, writing web servers and clients, integrating with C and interaciton with databases.

  • Real Python contains a lot of useful articles.


  • Learn TypeScript is a useful website focused on teaching this language. I find the material in it to be extremely well written and structured and this site doesn’t seem to be getting the attention it deserves. It convers both the syntax and the tooling.


  • The official Rust Book is very well written and complete.

  • While the above book teaches you the language, Zero to Production in Rust by Luca Palmieri guides the reader through the development of a real world application.

    Rust is a complex language and I found the official book to not be sufficient for internalizing the concepts: I needed to program something managable, but that was more complex that the average textbook example and this book guides the reader throught the development of a small backend service. I’m still going through it, but I’m loving how it’s written.

  • The blog by the same author is full of useful tips and explainations.